Weymouth Rotary is active in the local community, raising much-needed funds for local organisations and individuals through its support of events such as the Weymouth Half Marathon through to its own ‘Fayre In The Square’ weekend (pictured). Below is a timeline of the events, donations and support that the local members are particularly proud of.

Fayre In The Square returns for 2022! This annual event (online in 2020 due to Covid, and sadly cancelled in 2021) is back, raising much needed funds for local charities.

Weymouth Rotary backed the 2021 Dorset Echo Christmas Toy Appeal with cash to help buy presents for children (who would otherwise not have anything to unwrap on Christmas Day), as well helping to collect donated toys from various drop-off points across the county.

Weymouth Rotary provided 100 engraved flasks for Lantern Trust customers. The Lantern is an independent registered charity that was founded in 1983 to help vulnerable and marginalized people in the Weymouth & Portland area.

On 14th August 2021, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti.
Alongside many thousands of pounds raised and donated locally every year by Weymouth Rotary, we were proud to support the Shelterbox project, providing family-size tents and often solar lights, water storage and purification equipment, thermal blankets and cooking utensils as required.

Sun 13th June – Weymouth Rotarians volunteer as Marshalls for the Weymouth Half Marathon and a number of runners raised money for the club, including James Harris who raised over £600!

Monday 7th May – French Rotary Club joins Weymouth Rotary on a Zoom meeting to celebrate 50 years of the twinning of the two clubs. The first meeting with Laval was 6th May 1971

Monday 1st March – District Governor Rory O’Donnell speaks to Weymouth Rotary on the subject of ‘No Red Trousers please, we’re British!’
Wednesday 3rd March – The second £1,000 is handed to the club with monies raised from ‘Jerry’s Garage Sale’
Tuesday 9th March – Past president, Roger Fry pictured next to commemorative plaque for his ‘Crocus Corms For Polio Eradication’
Monday 15th March – District Foundation Chairman, David Perkins speaks to Weymouth Rotary’s online meeting
Monday 22nd March – Paul Tapper, Youth Chairman at Weymouth Football Club, explains the club’s involvement in the ‘Race To The Euros Challenge’
Monday 29th March – The High Sheriff Of Dorset, George Streatfield informs the club on the drug gangs bringing narcotics into the county over the so-called ‘County Drugs Lines’

Monday 1st February – Cllr Ken Whatley gives an engaging talk on his time working at Longleat
Wednesday 3rd February – Virtual Fayre In The Square 2021 announced by Weymouth Rotary
Monday 10th February – Rotary presents George Miles with a certificate of achievement and a congratulatory gift for his 10km charity run
Tuesday 11th February – The Weymouth Rotary ‘Alan Jones Fund’ donates £500 each to Shelter Box, Water Aid & Polio Eradication
Monday 22nd February – Weymouth Pavilion lights up in blue and yellow for 7 days, marking Rotary World Peace & Understanding Day

Monday 4th January – David Bickers from the Douglas Bader Foundation spoke on Zoom about the LIMITless Project, providing state-of-the-art prosthetic limbs for children who need them
Tuesday 12th January – Weymouth Rotary donates 1,000 to the LIMITless Project and £500 each to the Lantern Project and Weymouth Foodbank
Thursday 14th January – Another donation. This time to MV Freedom, a Weymouth-based charter boat, providing access to the sea for people with disabilities
Monday 18th January – Guest speaker David Holmes discusses his Weymouth-based crime novel, ‘The Queen Of Downtown’
Thursday 21st January – Weymouth Rotary donate £1,000 to Westfield School for a beautiful new shed
Monday 25th January – Guest speaker Gordon Chittenden talks about the Marine Management Unit, based in Poole
Wednesday 27th January – A £500 donation to STEPS Youth Club is made by Weymouth Rotary

Follow this link for the archive.